
The value defines the default supported color schemes for the document and allow the UA to know what backdrop color to draw early on to avoid white flash before rendering a dark themed document. The value must be a set of space-separated tokens, each matching a <color-scheme> production for the supported-color-schemes CSS property, or an ASCII case-insensitive match for only.

Issue: This is based on the current Safari behavior, but Safari also recognizes commas as separators. See WebKit issue.

The user agent is expected to treat these tokens as a presentational hint setting the root element's supported-color-schemes property to a space separated list as follows:

  1. Add all tokens which match the <color-scheme> production.
  2. If the list is still empty, add light.
  3. If the set of tokens contains an ASCII case-insensitive match for only, add only.

If a meta element is inserted into the document, or an existing meta element in a document tree have its content attribute changed, and the element has a name attribute whose value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for supported-color-schemes, user agents must set the default supported color schemes for that element's node document from the content attribute.

This document only supports dark theming:

               <meta name="supported-color-schemes" content="dark">

This document supports both light and dark theming:

               <meta name="supported-color-schemes" content="dark light">